Egyptian Hall of the Hermitage.

The Hermitage is a so-so place for an average teenager. The first five or six halls are still interesting, then interest is lost, dissipated and he pitifully drags along behind his mother, who, with burning eyes and a camera at the ready, runs between marble statues from hall to hall. Moreover, a teenager is not a humanist at all, never …

The only room that made the eyes come alive and light up is the Egyptian one. It was not in vain that at least he walked all the way, because this hall was the last on the route 😂.

Yarik walked with an air of importance, or rather he didn’t walk, but rushed like a hurricane between glass cases and tried to “read” and decipher ancient Egyptian drawings and cuneiform, of course, using the “accurate” on the phone.

Briefly about the Egyptian hall: here is an exposition covering the period from the end of the 4th millennium BC to the 1st millennium AD. Sculptures, sarcophagi, household items, figurines, coins and even a statue of Cleopatra.

The hall was opened in 1940. The exposition was brought to Russia in 1889-1898 from Egypt. Moreover, the Egyptian government issued Russia a special permit for the export of ancient valuables. I think these efforts cost a lot for our country.

I didn’t take many pictures, it was probably the 60th hall of our journey. And maybe more passed 🙈. To be honest, I had no strength and my legs howled from fatigue. Next time you need to plan for the Hermitage all day, not at a gallop, but systematically. And most likely alone, alone …

You can watch about the Hermitage in the video: